Three Heating Tips Methods To Minimize Winter Allergies

Posted on: 3 June 2020

For allergy sufferers, spring and fall are often when allergy symptoms are the worst. This is also a time when many people are running their furnace, at least at night when temperatures are cooler. A furnace pulls in some outside air, which can contain allergens, but it also recirculates the air in your home, which means it is recirculating the allergens that are making you miserable. Fortunately, there are things you can do so that your furnace won't make your allergy woes any worse.

1. Choose the Right Filter

Proper filtration is key to reducing allergens in the home. Choose a HEPA filter, as these have smaller pore openings so they are more likely to catch and trap any pollen, dust, or mold spores that are irritating your allergies. Due to the smaller pores, however, a HEPA filter can become dirty and clogged more readily -- and a dirty filter is counterproductive when it comes to minimizing allergy issues. You may need to change the filter monthly, especially during the spring and fall season when many more allergens may be in the air.

2. Schedule Duct Cleaning

Allergens can hide in your duct system. Mold can be an issue, particularly in spring or fall when you may be switching back and forth between the furnace and your AC system. This is because the frequent temperature changes in the ducts can increase the chances of condensation forming, which can lead to increased mold growth. Then, as conditions dry out in the ducts, those spores are blown all throughout your home. A heating technician can use cameras to inspect your ducts to see if they are harboring mold, dust, or pollen. If allergens are found, a duct cleaning can solve the problem.

3. Add a Humidifier

One reason why allergies can seem worse when the furnace is running is that allergens are more likely to be circulated in dry air. Moisture weighs down the small particulates that typically cause allergies, which prevents them from floating freely in the air and getting breathed in. You can have an inline humidifier installed on your furnace that will help raise the humidity in your home when the furnace is running, which brings the moisture in the air to a comfortable level while also reducing free-floating allergens. Not only will this cut down on allergies, but a small amount of humidity also helps prevent dry winter skin and hair, which can be itchy and uncomfortable.

Contact a heating service like Biggerstaff Plumbing Heating & Air in your area for more assistance.  


Summer is Upon Us – Is Your AC Working?

Hi. My name is Laurie Waters. The HVAC contractor was just out at our house last week and did I ever get a lesson from him. You see, we had a warm spell hit and I went to turn our air conditioning on for the first time since last summer. Much to my dismay, it wasn’t working. All I got was a blast of warm air. The fan was bringing the outdoor heat inside. Thank goodness it wasn’t anything major. My unit needed Freon. While he was here, the contractor taught me how to do some routine maintenance around my unit, vents, and filters. I’m going to share this information with you. I hope you find it to be useful.

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